Printre măsurile de austeritate cuprinse în „Ordonanța trenuleț”, menite să stopeze cheltuielile statului în 2025, există și un pasaj care, în teorie, ar putea afecta indirect sportul românesc, mai exact, în zona de infrastructură # Concret, se stipulează că primăriile nu vor mai primi bani la anul pentru construcția de săli, complexuri sportive, bazine # Ce înseamnă asta? GSP. ...
The article discusses a new Romanian law, nicknamed "Ordonanța trenuleț" ("The Little Train Ordinance"), which cuts funding for sports facilities like gyms, sports complexes, and swimming pools.
The main concern is that this will severely harm the development of sports in Romania as local authorities will have fewer resources to maintain and improve these facilities., the article's source, aims to explain the mechanics of the law and its potential consequences on Romanian sports.
The article discusses a new Romanian law, nicknamed "Ordonanța trenuleț" ("The Little Train Ordinance"), which cuts funding for sports facilities like gyms, sports complexes, and swimming pools. The main concern is that this will severely harm the development of sports in Romania as local authorities will have fewer resources to maintain and improve these facilities., the article's source, aims to explain the mechanics of the law and its potential consequences on Romanian sports.